DCC website



There are between one and two hundred mine features on the surface at the Edge ranging from the main entrances to a suspected shaft top.  The table below lists these.  Key to 'Form' column: S=shaft, L=level, O=open works.  If you don't know the site number, use the search facilities.

Site no:     Part of the name (e.g. "Eng"):     Find mines part of another (name of main mine, e.g. "Wood"): 

      Form of site:
Multi-entrance mine
Not known
      State of site:
Open - accessible
Locked - accessible
Capped - accessible
Known but blocked - accessible below
Known, filled to surface
Unlocated on surface - accessible below
Surface depression/evidence only
Location unknown

  Sort by number  


Number of entrances listed: 180 of which 8 are multiple entrance mines and 172 are unique entrances.

No Name Form State Part of (mine) Note on name
A001 Doctor's Shaft
Shaft Unlocated on surface - accessible below West Mine
House above (Mimwood?) used to belong to a doctor 
A002 Sphinx Shaft
Shaft Unlocated on surface - accessible below West Mine
Shaft into Sphinx Cavern 
A003 Marjorie's Sitting Down Shaft
Shaft Unlocated on surface - accessible below West Mine
Name on "Dim Grey King" 
A004 White Shaft
Shaft Unlocated on surface - accessible below West Mine
White deposit running down 
A005 Main Chamber
Shaft Unlocated on surface - accessible below West Mine
In roof of Main Chamber 
A006 Top Gallery Shaft
Shaft Unlocated on surface - accessible below West Mine
Drops into Top Gallery 
A007 Main Entrance
Level/adit Unlocated on surface - accessible below West Mine
Says it all 
A008 SW Mine
Level/adit Location unknown West Mine
Just outside entrance, reached by tunnelling out 
A009 Over West Level
Level/adit Unlocated on surface - accessible below West Mine
Level entering over main entrance 
A010 Over West Shaft / Sorensen's Entrance
Shaft Locked - accessible West Mine
Shaft into ditto, Sorensen's entrance 
A011 Fireman's Entrance
Level/adit Unlocated on surface - accessible below West Mine
Way that Firemen used to go in, and fall down hole in floor 
A012 Block End
Level/adit Location unknown -
Short tunnel, also known as "powder store" 
A013 New Venture I Level
Level/adit Location unknown -
OLD NAME - buried in gorge 
A014 New Venture I Shaft
Shaft Location unknown New Venture I Level
A015 New Venture II Level
Level/adit Location unknown -
Buried in gorge 
A016 Hough Level West Entrance
Level/adit Location unknown Hough Level
Entrance at works. No surface evidence and no access from below. 
A017 Scout Hole
Level/adit Locked - accessible -
On scout camp 
A018 Wood Mine Adit manhole
Shaft Locked - accessible Wood Mine
Wood Mine is a fairly old name 
A019 Garner's Grope Shaft
Shaft Open - accessible Saddlebole Mines
Found by A Garner with stick 
A020 Graffiti Chamber
Shaft Unlocated on surface - accessible below Wood Mine
A021 North End Chamber or Timber Shaft
Shaft Locked - accessible Wood Mine
In N End Chamber. Timber because there used to be trees in it. 
A022 Deep Shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Wood Mine
Big shaft dropping to bottom of the mine 
A023 Squeedle Shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Wood Mine
Was a tight entrance (squeedle) at one time 
A024 Rabbit Cavern
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Wood Mine
Shaft from field into Rabbit Caverns. Appears to have been filled early to restore field to agricultural use. 
A025 Temple Shaft
Shaft Capped - accessible Wood Mine
The Temple was the timber structure built by DCC to stop the shaft running. The shaft was dug after collapsing through seepage of water from pond above (still shown on OS maps). 
A026 Pillar & Post
Shaft Unlocated on surface - accessible below Wood Mine
There is a rock pillar and a wooden post 
A027 Stump Shaft
Shaft Locked - accessible Hough Level
Had tree stump in it. May have been collapse on fault or used during early development of mining at junction. 
A028 Hough Covered Shaft
Shaft Unlocated on surface - accessible below Hough Level
Covered with stone slabs. Shaft was probably used for driving Hough Level and then not required for ventilation or haulage. 
A029 Field Shaft
Shaft Locked - accessible Hough Level
In middle of field. Dug out and capped by DCC. 
A030 Lost Adit
Level/adit Capped - accessible -
A031 Cross Mine Level
Level/adit Open - accessible -
Cross shaped 
A032 Straight Mine
Level/adit Open - accessible -
Its straight 
A033 Brynlow Adit
Level/adit Locked - accessible Brynlow Mine
A034 Car Shaft
Shaft Capped - accessible Brynlow Adit
Named because car had been dumped in it 
A035 Finlow Hill Mine
Shaft Locked - accessible -
In Finlow Wood 
A036 Church Quarry Mine
Level/adit Open - accessible -
Probably a quarry trial level 
A037 Reeking Shaft
Shaft Capped - accessible Reeking Mine
See Reeking Mine (59) 
A038 Well Shaft
Shaft Capped - accessible -
Named from Wizard Restaurant well 
A039 Beacon Lodge Level
Level/adit Surface depression/evidence only -
A040 Beacon Lodge Shaft
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Beacon Lodge Level
A041 Bear Shaft / Pit
Shaft Locked - accessible Engine Vein
Etymology unknown. Possibly due to appearance in mine during 1950s when it was open but blocked at bottom 
A042 Engine Vein
Multi-entrance mine Locked - accessible -
A043 Engine Trial
Level/adit Open - accessible -
Small trial just south of Engine Vein proper 
A044 Engine Vein Side Entrance
Level/adit Locked - accessible Engine Vein
Current adit 
A045 Windmill Wood Shaft 3
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Shaft ring and depression 
A046 Trial
Level/adit Open - accessible -
A047 Square Shaft
Shaft Locked - accessible Hough Level
Not quite square but much squarer than anything else we had seen 
A048 Round Shaft
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Canyon Mine (hypothetical)
A049 Hough Level (Stormy Point entrance)
Level/adit Locked - accessible Hough Level
From The Hough, the valley into which it emerges 
A050 Pillar Mine
Level/adit Locked - accessible -
OLD NAME, also known as CCH 
A051 Abbadine's Level
Level/adit Known but blocked - accessible below -
This name has been adopted although the validity is extremely doubtful. The level runs from Pillar Mine to Square Shaft and appears to be 19th century. 
A052 Doc Mine (upper)
Level/adit Open - accessible -
Named after Doc Mycroft, a caver of the 60's. Also known as Chocolate Mine 
A053 Doc Mine Lower
Shaft Locked - accessible Doc Mine (upper)
See Doc Mine (52) 
A054 Rock Shelter/Iron Gates
Level/adit Open - accessible -
Also known as Wizard's Cave Mine and Iron Gates 
A055 Devil's Grave
Level/adit Locked - accessible -
Etymology unknown 
A056 Rock Shaft
Shaft Locked - accessible -
Used to have a large rock on top 
A057 Rock Shaft Level
Level/adit Known but blocked - accessible below Rock Shaft
Linked to Rock Shaft 
A058 Twin Shafts (N) Artemis
Shaft Capped - accessible Reeking Mine
Physical description 
A059 Reeking Mine
Level/adit Locked - accessible -
Our name because there was a bad smell from the rotting vegetation in the level 
A060 Saddlebole Main
Level/adit Locked - accessible Saddlebole Mines
Main entrance 
A061 Saddlebole Side 1
Level/adit Known but blocked - accessible below Saddlebole Mines
Side entrance joins main 
A062 Saddlebole Tunnel 1
Level/adit Open - accessible Saddlebole Mines
"Tunnel" on top of hill 
A063 Saddlebole Tunnel 2
Level/adit Open - accessible Saddlebole Mines
"Tunnel" on top of hill 
A064 Holy Well Level
Level/adit Open - accessible -
Level beside Holy Well 
A065 Windmill Wood Shaft 4
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Shaft ring and depression 
A066 North Mine
Level/adit Location unknown -
OLD NAME. Existence questionable 
A067 South Mine
Level/adit Location unknown -
OLD NAME Existence questionable 
A068 New Venture II Shaft
Shaft Location unknown New Venture II Level
A069 Cross Mine Shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Cross Mine Level
Depression on surface and signs of infill underground. Cross Mine does not appear to extend beyond this shaft. 
A070 Hough End Shaft
Shaft Unlocated on surface - accessible below Hough Level
Shaft near end of Hough, may have been ventilation 
A071 Hough Cross Roads south entrance
Shaft Unlocated on surface - accessible below Hough Level
Rising to chamber infilled with rocks and sand. 
A072 Saddlebole Level 1
Level/adit Known, filled to surface Saddlebole Mines
Evident but blocked 
A073 Saddlebole Level 2
Level/adit Known, filled to surface Saddlebole Mines
Evident but blocked 
A074 Saddlebole Level 3
Level/adit Known, filled to surface Saddlebole Mines
Evident but blocked 
A075 Saddlebole Side 2
Level/adit Known but blocked - accessible below Saddlebole Mines
Lower level joins main 
A076 West End Shaft No 1 = New Year Shaft
Shaft Locked - accessible Engine Vein
Goes into the West End series 
A077 Holy Well - Near Trial
Level/adit Surface depression/evidence only -
Short tunnel reexcavated near Holy Well. NGR needs checking. 
A078 Wizard's Well Level
Level/adit Location unknown -
By Wizard's Well, location unknown 
A079 Quarry Opencast
Opencast Surface depression/evidence only -
A080 Canyon Opencast
Opencast Open - accessible Canyon Mine (hypothetical)
A081 Side Entrance
Level/adit Unlocated on surface - accessible below Main Entrance
Just to side of main entrance 
A082 First Shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below West Mine
Filled shaft inside main entrance 
A083 Ring Shaft
Shaft Locked - accessible Engine Vein
Concrete ring used 
A084 Sand Shaft
Shaft Capped - accessible Hough Level
Sand ran into this shaft. Developed on fault as collapse on passage leading to Probationers' Series. 
A085 Field Opencast
Opencast Surface depression/evidence only -
Kidney-shaped depression in Brinlow Field. NGR is rough centre of opencast. 
A086 Cromlech Shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Field Opencast
Closed at passage roof level with timbers. Name given because of boulder pile at foot which may have been intended for support but does not reach roof. 
A087 Christmas Shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Field Opencast
Has been opened by DCC then closed. Dug out at Christmas 1981. 
A088 Greenhat Shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Field Opencast
Has been opened by DCC then closed Dug out in 1981 by John (Greenhat) Dolan. Air shaft shown on 19th century OS map. NGR approximate. 
A089 Brynlow Roadside Shaft
Shaft Capped - accessible Brynlow Mine
Main shaft on same side of road as mine 
A090 Brynlow Other Road Side Shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Brynlow Mine
Smaller shaft on other side of road, hence name 
A091 Brynlow Norweb Shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Brynlow Mine
Originally this shaft was unlocated and the top could not be seen clearly from below in the mine. The name Norweb derives from when Norweb contractors exposed the shaft 
A092 No 2 Shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Engine Vein
Counting from track 
A093 Tom's Shaft
Shaft Locked - accessible Cobalt Mine
Under visitors' centre, literally 
A094 Holly [Root] Shaft / Hole
Shaft Locked - accessible Cobalt Mine
Had a holly tree growing in it 
A095 Car Park Entrance
Shaft Capped - accessible Cobalt Mine
Main entrance at corner of Wizard Restaurant car park 
A096 Finlow Hill Shaft
Shaft Locked - accessible Finlow Hill Mine
In Finlow Wood 
A097 Balloon Shaft
Shaft Locked - accessible Engine Vein
Balloon used to measure height 
A098 Engine Vein - Plan B Shaft (No 4)
Shaft Capped - accessible Engine Vein
Was not original intention to dig this shaft, then it ran so we changed plans, hence Plan B 
A099 Engine Vein - Pot Shaft
Shaft Locked - accessible Engine Vein
Roman Pot 
A100 No 3 Shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Engine Vein
Counting from track 
A101 Engine Vein Top Level Shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Engine Vein
Onto top level 
A102 Bradford Lane Shaft
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Corner of Bradford Lane on line of Cobalt Mine to Finlow Hill 
A103 Brynlow End Entrance / Trembling Den
Level/adit Locked - accessible Brynlow Mine
End of fault, below Car Shaft. 
A104 North Engine Vein Level
Level/adit Known but blocked - accessible below -
Dewey and Eastwood refer to this level north of EV 
A105 Alderley Cottage Adit
Level/adit Open - accessible -
A106 Hagg Opencast
Opencast Known, filled to surface Wood Mine
Filled in in the 1960s. Named after Hagg. Also connects with shaft at end of adit 
A107 Silver Shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below -
Just to north of path from OpenCast to Goldenstone 
A108 Pine Shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below -
North of path from OpenCast to Goldenstone nr. Stormy Point track 
A109 No 1 Shaft
Shaft Capped - accessible Engine Vein
Most easterly entrance to mine 
A110 West End Shaft No 2 (Sledge Shaft)
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Engine Vein
End of West End Extension 
A111 Hough Cross Roads north entrance
Shaft Unlocated on surface - accessible below Field Opencast
Rising hand picked passage to Opencast. 
A112 End of Hough Branch
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Hough Level (Stormy Point entrance)
Southern most point in Hough. Appears to be filled from surface. Coincides with a rectangular mark on 1907 OS map and also with some disturbance on the surface. 
A113 18-Acre Shaft
Shaft Locked - accessible West Mine
Main entrance 
A114 Field Shaft ore chute
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Field Opencast
Ore chute dropping into bottom of Field Shaft. Treated as separate feature as old plans show a shaft off the Hough Level. 
A115 Opencast ore chute
Shaft Unlocated on surface - accessible below Field Opencast
Ore chute dropping into branch off Hough Level. 
A116 Opencast to Probationers west
Opencast Known but blocked - accessible below Field Opencast
Blockage in Probationers' Series. End of passage in rubble. Appears to break into main Field Opencast. 
A117 Opencast to Probationers east
Opencast Known but blocked - accessible below Field Opencast
End of passage in rubble. 
A118 Pine Adit
Level/adit Known but blocked - accessible below Pine Shaft
North of path from OpenCast to Goldenstone nr. Stormy Point track 
A119 Field Boundary Shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Hough Level (Stormy Point entrance)
Last accessible blockage on Hough Level towards works. 
A120 none
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Hough Level (Stormy Point entrance)
Depression in field between Cross Mine and Field Shaft. 
A121 none
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Hough Level (Stormy Point entrance)
Depression in field near Field Shaft, south of Hough Level. NGR approximate. 
A122 Brynlow Field Opencast
Shaft Location unknown Field Opencast
A123 none
Shaft Unlocated on surface - accessible below Hough Level (Stormy Point entrance)
Shaft on West end of Hough Level. NGR approximate. 
A124 Stormy Point Shaft
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
A125 Saddlebole Lower Level
Level/adit Surface depression/evidence only Saddlebole Mines
Suspected level lower down Saddlebole 
A126 Shelter above Doc Mine
Level/adit Open - accessible -
Appears to be working on fault 
A127 Pit
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Depression may be shaft 
A128 Shaft
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Depression may be shaft 
A129 Shelter
Level/adit Open - accessible -
Small shelter under overhang 
A130 Shaft
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Depression may be shaft 
A131 Trial
Level/adit Open - accessible -
Short tunnel 
A132 Shaft
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Depression may be shaft 
A133 Shaft 1 nr path to Canyon Opencast
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Canyon Mine (hypothetical)
Large Shaft ring NGR needs checking 
A134 Shaft 2 nr path to Canyon Opencast
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Canyon Mine (hypothetical)
Large Shaft ring NGR needs checking 
A135 Doc Mine Shaft
Shaft Locked - accessible Doc Mine (upper)
Shaft with manhole lid over lower Doc Mine 
A136 Possible Level below Holy Well
Level/adit Surface depression/evidence only Canyon Mine (hypothetical)
Indentation in hill with spoil heap below 
A137 Shaft 1 west of Canyon Opencast
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Canyon Mine (hypothetical)
Large Shaft ring 
A138 Shaft 2 west of Canyon Opencast
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Canyon Mine (hypothetical)
Large Shaft ring 
A139 Shaft 3 west of Canyon Opencast
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Canyon Mine (hypothetical)
Large Shaft ring 
A140 Shaft 1 east of Canyon Opencast
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Canyon Mine (hypothetical)
Large Shaft ring 
A141 Shaft 2 east of Canyon Opencast
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Canyon Mine (hypothetical)
Large Shaft ring 
A142 Cow Lane Shaft 1
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Shaft ring and depression 
A143 Cow Lane Shaft 2
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Shaft ring and depression 
A144 Cow Lane Shaft 3
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Shaft ring and depression 
A145 Cow Lane Shaft 4
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Shaft ring and depression 
A146 Cobalt N Shaft 1
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Cobalt Mine
Shaft ring and depression 
A147 Cobalt N Shaft 2
Shaft Known, filled to surface Cobalt Mine
Shaft ring and depression 
A148 Cobalt N Shaft 3
Shaft Known, filled to surface Cobalt Mine
Shaft ring and depression 
A149 Cobalt N Shaft 4
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Cobalt Mine
Shaft ring and depression 
A150 Cobalt N Shaft 5
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Cobalt Mine
Shaft ring and depression 
A151 Cobalt N Shaft 6
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Cobalt Mine
Shaft ring and depression 
A152 Cobalt N Shaft 7
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Cobalt Mine
Shaft ring and depression 
A153 Windmill Wood Shaft 1
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Shaft ring and depression 
A154 Windmill Wood Shaft 2
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Shaft ring and depression 
A155 Wood Mine possible adit
Level/adit Surface depression/evidence only Wood Mine
Possible tunnel above Wood Mine adit 
A156 Shaft in Windmill Wood
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Possible shaft top 
A157 Shaft in Windmill Wood
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Possible shaft top 
A158 Wood Mine Adit
Level/adit Locked - accessible Wood Mine
Wood Mine is a fairly old name 
A159 Subsidence
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
Believed more likely to be linked with drains 
A160 Subsidence
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
A161 Ed's Tunnel
Level/adit Known but blocked - accessible below -
Opened 20/2/2012 
A162 Cobalt Mine - Trackside Shaft
Shaft Locked - accessible Cobalt Mine
Side of track 
A163 Wood Mine
Multi-entrance mine Locked - accessible -
Modern name because mine located in Windmill Wood. It might have been called the "Windmill" in historic times and was part of the "Eastern Mine". 
A164 West Mine
Multi-entrance mine Locked - accessible -
Probably was called Western Mine during working period. Name derives from location on the Edge. 
A165 Brynlow Mine
Multi-entrance mine Locked - accessible -
Locality name 
A166 Twin Shaft level (upper)
Level/adit Open - accessible Reeking Mine
Physical description 
A167 Cobalt Mine
Multi-entrance mine Locked - accessible -
Cobalt is believed to have been mined here. 
A168 Canyon Mine (hypothetical)
Multi-entrance mine Surface depression/evidence only -
The Canyon Opencast was named by the DCC as a descriptive name. Canyon mine is believed to run underneath the Opencast and beyond it north west and south east. 
A169 Saddlebole Mines
Multi-entrance mine Known but blocked - accessible below -
A170 Hough Level
Multi-entrance mine Locked - accessible -
A171 Lockdown Shaft
Shaft Locked - accessible Cobalt Mine
Name of field on tithe map. 
A172 Malcolm's run-in
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Field Shaft
A173 Cobalt Mine: North Shaft
Shaft Capped - accessible Cobalt Mine
A174 Twin Shaft (S) Apollo
Shaft Capped - accessible Reeking Mine
A175 Twin Shaft level (lower)
Level/adit Open - accessible -
A176 Run in near Field Shaft
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only Hough Level
A177 Subsidence near Field Shaft
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
A178 Cobalt level shaft
Shaft Known but blocked - accessible below Cobalt Mine
A179 Shaft ring
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -
A180 Shaft ring
Shaft Surface depression/evidence only -