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BBQ at saucepan streetdownload this image download     

Album: Matienzo past (slides)
Owner: Nigel Dibben
Date: September 2015

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Title: BBQ at saucepan street

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Photo owner: Nigel Dibben
File: Slide54_A085.jpg

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 The valley in mistGeoff and Len and Nigel's old van
Camping in the woodsLocal transport in 1976Getting ready for the expedition dinner at German's bar
John D telling a storyLank followingTime off on the beach
Tony, Juan, Dave and FrankOn the Mostajo trackMist again
Pasabolo at La SecadaPasaboloFarming in the 1980s
The Risco waterfall in floodBar Tomás before the restaurant was builtStill in the woods
Liz at the top of Puerto de Los TornosStill in Bar Tomás with groceries on sale at the backGerman's bar: Frank, Phil, Stuart, Pat, Len, Liz, Howard, Liz
Liz and Pat in RamalesNo change yet!The new farm on the edge of the woods
Outside German'sLiz, Pablo, Penny, Juan, Lank and NoellaNew restaurant at Bar Tomás
The famous five in the blue vanLiz, Arthur and Colin on the new campsite behind the barLloyd on the beach
Jenny on the beachPablo's new restaurantSome pictures outside Matienzo: Asturian barn at Cangas
Typical Asturian buildingIn the Cares GorgeCares Gorge: footpath and hydroelectric water course
Cueva Soplao - show caveCueva Soplao - show caveCueva Valporquero show cave
Approaching the zinc mines at UdiasEntrance to Udias mineInside
InsideThe old iron works at CabarcenoCabarceno wildlife park
Cueva Cullavera at RamalesCueva Cullavera at RamalesSantillana del Mar: historic town
Santillana del Mar: historic townBack to German's: German in the beretOutside German's: new tables and football machine
Outside the Baker's tooBBQ at saucepan streetBBQ at saucepan street
Shell found at Steve's houseNew shower blockComputerisation in German's restaurant
Ramales looking upCavers looking downCaravanning at Pablo's
Meal with Jock and family also Chris and RoyBBQ at the campsiteStriptease challenge (Roy in the orange underpants)
Catalan version of the Full MontyCantabrian sign - right cave - wrong surveyTouristy trip to Arenal
Geoff and Roy at the Vega barLiz with a few emptiesDown at the river
Bar Tomás - and TomTom and Lucy at the riverAbseiling
Thinking about that next can of beerIn ComellianteGeoff and Chris on South Vega hillside
Smoothy BarWe've arrived!Tom being fitted for a boiler suit
Kieran's 18thPasabolo at La SecadaCaving trip for village youngsters - before
- and afterHow to keep the cars cleanThe Baker's
And the main squareVultures gather on a deserted farmhouseVultures gather on a deserted farmhouse
Pablo's early in the morning - for onceSenaRaffle prize (behind Tom)
Bus to BurgosS Miguel breweryDrink as much as you like -
- but later listen carefully to the archaeological lectureBar Tomás yet againFiesta starts
Juegos infantalesLadder climbingTortilla competition
Duck raceTug of Warand to cap it all, the Fluffies
Who's whoBut some things still haven't changed in 2010Visits to Arkwright's bar
Visits to Arkwright's barRamales fia ferrataHotpants herding cows
Expedition dinner in Pablo'sBBQ on the beachThe horticultural show
Dressed up for dinnerOutside the Baker's againOn the campsite
2014 teamNoella - smilingPablo - smiling too!
Juan reads about events in SolorzanoChair squeezingTable traversing
In Ramales againSmoothy Bar still emptyBBQ at the apartments
Pete still hungryExpedition dinnerChair squeezing again
Multi-screen computingThe horticultural competition - judgingI'll be back

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