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Giant's Hole, Derbyshire

Date(s): 26th February 2011 - Written by: Nigel Dibben

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Giant's Hole in February seemed like a good idea ... but it rained the night before. So the trip turned out to be entertaining but not impossible (except for Steve). We all set off down to Garland's and had a fairly easy trip in (except for Steve) and down to the vice. Nigel managed to get himself stuck for a while in the stream but got out when he removed his belt. Onwards and ever downwards. Geology was an easy abseil but, below there, the First Cascade was very wet and after Allan and Glyn had gone down and found the Second Cascade very wet too, we backed out and headed for the Eating House. The decision was taken to go up to the Giant's Windpipe to avoid having to do the vice again. However, it turned out to be very wet and Allan reckoned it was as good as sumped. So we turned back and returned up the Crabwalk. Garland's was made interesting by the need to rescue a couple of novices from a university club (it was really much too wet for complete novices) and then it was out to change and warm up.The group was Allan, Nigel, Glyn, Tom, Steve and Tony and everyone went down Geology (except Steve, oh, and Tony). Anyone wanting to know Steve's side of the story should contact him.Good trip. Warmed up in the Wanted before leaving for home.
Picture 1: In the entrance series

In the entrance series
Picture 2: Steve and Tom

Steve and Tom
Picture 3: Lunch before we tried the Giants Windpipe

Lunch before we tried the Giants Windpipe
Picture 4: Lunch before we tried the Giants Windpipe

Lunch before we tried the Giants Windpipe

Type of entry: Caving

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