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Date(s): Sunday 20th August 2024 - Written by: Jenny Newman

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Where is the best place to spend a Sunday afternoon of 27 degree weather in the middle of
August? Down a cold dark cave naturally! For just my second caving trip me, Olly, Shaun
and Monika, headed over to Carlswalk Cavern near Stoney Middleton for a fairly relaxed trip.
We began at Gin entrance, which felt very much like descending into the forbidden forest
(spiders and all!), and headed down into the main section. The plug hole down to the lower
level was avoided in favour of a slightly more spacious hands and knees crawl along Oyster
Chamber and Eyam Passage. The main goal of the trip was just to have a bit of an explore
to see where different bits headed off to, and as a slight test of mine and Monika’s
underground directional skills. This was definitely the plan from the start and had nothing to
do with Olly admitting that his memory of the system was... questionable. But where would
be the fun without a bit of added mystery! The tight squeeze through to the Dynamite series
and Merlin Mine were also avoided (although I am determined to head back to conquer
While nothing too daring, the amazing walls and ceilings with fossilised shells and remnants
of broken off stalagmites made for a really beautiful trip. I also loved seeing the ‘angel wings’
that covered some the walls, thank you to Olly and Shaun for some education on these
features as a caving newbie!
The day was finished off, naturally, with a pint in one of the most wonderfully British pubs,
the Three Stags Heads, accompanied by a mummified cat that had been found in the
original walls!
Thanks once again to Olly for organising the trip, it was a great little jaunt and I look forward
to the next one!

Jenny Newman

Pictures in the link above ^

Type of entry: Caving Mining

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