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Owner: Nigel Dibben Matienzo - summer - 2015Date: August 2015

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Arrival :: Taken by Nigel DibbenLennie's Cave :: Taken by Nigel DibbenLennie's Cave :: Taken by Nigel DibbenDave photographing in Lennie's Cave :: Taken by Nigel DibbenLauren photographing in Lennie's Cave :: Taken by Nigel Dibben
ArrivalLennie's CaveLennie's CaveDave photographing in Lennie's CaveLauren photographing in Lennie's Cave
Relaxing after a hard trip :: Taken by Nigel DibbenDinner in the Baker's :: Taken by Nigel DibbenAnton in the Cuba Libre entrance to Vaca :: Taken by Nigel DibbenAnton and Lauren after Vaca trip :: Taken by Nigel DibbenExpedition dinner in Pablo's :: Taken by Nigel Dibben
Relaxing after a hard tripDinner in the Baker'sAnton in the Cuba Libre entrance to VacaAnton and Lauren after Vaca tripExpedition dinner in Pablo's
Practical exercises at the dinner :: Taken by Nigel DibbenBill in the new cave (4189) found next to 1438 dig :: Taken by Nigel DibbenTeam photo at Coventosa day off trip :: Taken by Nigel DibbenFormations in Coventosa :: Taken by Nigel DibbenFormations in Coventosa :: Taken by Nigel Dibben
Practical exercises at the dinnerBill in the new cave (4189) found next to 1438 digTeam photo at Coventosa day off tripFormations in CoventosaFormations in Coventosa
Formations in Coventosa :: Taken by Nigel DibbenDay off to Castro Urdiales :: Taken by Nigel DibbenBit too busy on the beach :: Taken by Nigel DibbenTeam at 489 :: Taken by Nigel DibbenRoy's memorial :: Taken by Nigel Dibben
Formations in CoventosaDay off to Castro UrdialesBit too busy on the beachTeam at 489Roy's memorial
Entrance to 0083, Cueva Chica :: Taken by Nigel DibbenBear scratches on the wall in 0083 :: Taken by Nigel DibbenEntrance to 0094 spotted from the apartments :: Taken by Nigel Dibben0094 with Pete in Red Indian disguise :: Taken by Nigel DibbenDigging at 4131 above Uzueka :: Taken by Nigel Dibben
Entrance to 0083, Cueva ChicaBear scratches on the wall in 0083Entrance to 0094 spotted from the apartments0094 with Pete in Red Indian disguiseDigging at 4131 above Uzueka
Small new cave 4216 above Risco :: Taken by Nigel DibbenLooking down the shaft at 4215 above Risco :: Taken by Nigel DibbenDay off to look at Comelliante :: Taken by Nigel DibbenTourist trip in Cueva Molino (Agua) :: Taken by Nigel DibbenCuevona :: Taken by Nigel Dibben
Small new cave 4216 above RiscoLooking down the shaft at 4215 above RiscoDay off to look at ComellianteTourist trip in Cueva Molino (Agua)Cuevona
The horticultural competition - judging :: Taken by Nigel DibbenMeal after the show :: Taken by Nigel DibbenSquirrel, Pete and Bill enjoying postres :: Taken by Nigel Dibben  
The horticultural competition - judgingMeal after the showSquirrel, Pete and Bill enjoying postres